System 300S

With the VIPA “SPEED7 Technology”, system 300S is the fastest control system in the world programmable with Step®7 from Siemens. The maximum memory for program and data has already been integrated into the SPEED7 CPUs. For this reason the CPUs can be operated without an additional memory card. Depending on the CPU type, the integrated work memory can be expanded to 8MByte with the VIPA Memory extansion card as required. All CPUs in the System 300S are equipped with an Ethernet Interface for PG/OP communication. A CP 343 interface for TCP/IP communication has been integrated in the “NET” CPUs. Because of its high performance and scalable memory, system 300S is especially suitable for mid to high range applications.

SPEED7 Homepage

Features of VIPA System 300S

  • Programmable with WinPLC7 from VIPA
  • Programmable with Step®7 from Siemens
  • Integrated work memory – operation possibile without additional memory card!
  • Flexible extension of memory using a Memory Configuration Card for the desired upgrade
  • Integrated battery backed RAM memory
  • SPEED-Bus enabling expansions with High-Speed signal modules and communication processors
  • Ethernet-, Profibus-DP- and MPI-Interface on board
  • Designed compatibility to the S7-300® from Siemens
  • Real-time clock
  • Mixed operation is supported for VIPA and Siemens nodules in the same rack
  • Suitable for central and decentral applications
  • Modular design for easy expansion
  • Centralised applications with up to 32 modules in one CPU rack
  • 24 months warranty
  • UL-standard certification

Download area

VIPA - System 300S - Tabela zużycia prądu

VIPA - System 300S - Tabela zużycia prądu
Tabela w j. niemieckim i angielskim

Supported modules System 300S

Supported modules System 300S
Lista modułów S7-300 kompatybilnych z VIPA 300S w j. angielskim (wersja 2012-11-26)

SPEED7 brochure

SPEED7 brochure
Broszura informacyjna rozwiązania SPEED7 w j. angielskim

VIPA – Main Catalog 2014/2015

VIPA – Main Catalog 2014/2015
Katalog produktów VIPA w j. angielskim (26,6MB)

VIPA - Product discontinuations

VIPA - Product discontinuations
Informacje o wycofywanych produktach wersja z 29/06/2012

Pliki GSD dla wszystkich systemów VIPA (v209)

Pliki GSD dla wszystkich systemów VIPA (v209)
Cx000023_V209 (1,27MB)

Biblioteki VIPA (v131_01)

Biblioteki VIPA (v131_01)
VIPA SFCs, FBs, FC´s (System 100V, 200V, Speed7) (320kB)


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