Permanent fieldbus monitoring enhances availability

Continuous production can only be ensured and out of the blue failures avoided if beside the individual components the bus is considered a wear part and its status known.

In many a case the regular maintenance of the field bus would make sense. But this is not easy to achieve because the number of maintenance staff is decreased for economic reasons. So, the „INspector“ of Indu-Sol comes in as the ideal partner. It is integrated in the respective network on a permanent basis and monitors constantly the logical data traffic. As a first step Indu-Sol offers inspectors for PROFIBUS, PROFInet, CAN bus and ASinets as well as analyzers for Industrial Ethernet.

A central software informs the plant operator both on the current and historical network status. As soon as the communication has exceeded or fallen short of certain quality parameters, the maintenance personnel gets a warning. It is done by a visual display in the software and transfer to the process control system via OPC or SNMP, email or switching of an alarm contact. Thus, it is possible to eliminate causes of fault before a trouble arises and becomes apparent by a plant shutdown.

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