Funktion modules

Structure and Function

Function modules are intelligent modules, the technological tasks such as position determination, counting and positioning, and other complex functions in the automation run autonomously.

FM 250 – SSI Modules

The SSI module enables the connection of absolute coded reading recorders with an SSI interface. The module converts the serial information of the reading recorder into parallel information and makes this available to the controller. There is a possibility to transmit the data in gray or binary code. In addition to the SSI signals clock, data and encoder supply there are two additional outputs that can be set or reset when crossing.

FM 250 – Counter

The counter counts the pulses of the connected sensor and processes these stimuli according to the selected module. The module has 2 or 4 channels at a width of 32 bit or 16 bit respectively, with 20 counter modes and two DC 24 V outputs, which are controlled depending on the mode.

FM 253/254 – Positioning Modules

Positioning modules can be used for point-to-point positioning and for complex travel profiles with the highest standards of accuracy, dynamism and speed. The FM 253 is a Positioning module for controlling a stepper motor. Stepper motors are used when maximum torque at low speeds is required and the target position is to be achieved and maintained without overshooting. The FM 254 is a positioning module for controlling a servo drive. The module operates independently and is controlled by a corresponding application program from the CPU. The module has 3 inputs for connecting limit switches and can control 2 outputs.


  • Compact design
  • LED status indicator
  • Electrically isolated to the backplane bus
  • Assembly with 35 mm profile rail
  • 24 month warranty

Products catalog



VIPA - System 200V - Moduły funkcyjne - FM 250 – Licznik (250-1BA00)

FM 250 – Counter module
2×32bit (AB), up to 1MHz, 2×DO DC 24V, 1A



VIPA - System 200V - Moduły funkcyjne - FM 250S – Moduł SSI (250-1BS00)

FM 250S – SSI module
1×SSI, RS422, 12/24bit, 600kbit/s, 2×DO DC 24V, 1A



VIPA - System 200V - Moduły funkcyjne - FM 253 – Moduł pozycjonujący (253-1BA00)

FM 253 – Positioning module
for stepper motor, 1 axle, RS422, potential separated, 3×DI DC 24V, 2×DO DC 24V, 1A



VIPA - System 200V - Moduły funkcyjne - FM 254 – Moduł pozycjonujący (254-1BA00)

FM 254 – Positioning module
for servo motor, 1 axle, incremental encor, RS422, potential separated, 3×DI DC 24V, 1×DO DC 24V, 1A


Download area

FM - Moduły funkcyjne dla VIPA System 200V

FM - Moduły funkcyjne dla VIPA System 200V
Manual w j. angielskim

System 200V - List of current consumption

System 200V - List of current consumption
Tabela poboru prądu dla modułów VIPA System 200V w j. angielskim

GSD-File for VIPA System 100V and 200V

GSD-File for VIPA System 100V and 200V (367kB)

VIPA – Main Catalog 2014/2015

VIPA – Main Catalog 2014/2015
Katalog produktów VIPA w j. angielskim (26,6MB)

VIPA - Product discontinuations

VIPA - Product discontinuations
Informacje o wycofywanych produktach wersja z 29/06/2012

Pliki GSD dla wszystkich systemów VIPA (v209)

Pliki GSD dla wszystkich systemów VIPA (v209)
Cx000023_V209 (1,27MB)

Biblioteki VIPA (v131_01)

Biblioteki VIPA (v131_01)
VIPA SFCs, FBs, FC´s (System 100V, 200V, Speed7) (320kB)


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